New dietary needs imposed by religious beliefs, ethical opinions, or health choices are more common nowadays and are spreading rapidly with an increased mobility of people.
The main purpose of the E.A.R.T.H. project is to deliver a new offer to the food and catering service sector with implementation of continuous vocational training courses that want to provide the cooks, catering operators, and VET teachers with a set of skills in order to satisfy the diverse dietary requirements of the last 30 years. The new professional figure will be able to address a series of new dietary requirements; elements that were unknown decades ago.
The project aims at developing an innovative training model designed for the continuous vocational training of cooks called ''Third Millennium Cook'', catering operators, as well as VET teachers in culinary and catering field, in order to prepare them to work in social contents characterized by different culinary needs.
The overall objective of E.A.R.T.H. project is to elaborate a training model designed to the professional upgrading cooks and catering operators, so that could be able to work in different social contests characterized by different culinary requirements.
The E.A.R.T.H. project targets professionals that work in the market at an intermediate level, the direct beneficiaries are not renewed chefs but cooks working in the everyday process of food service.