- Βιβλίο με συνεντεύξεις (Casebook)
- Αφήγηση (Storytelling)
- Βίντεο ως τμήματα ασκήσεων με μαθητές μετανάστες
- Αφήγηση (Storytelling)
- Βίντεο ως τμήματα ασκήσεων με μαθητές μετανάστες
- Docente: Artemis Driva
- Casebook
- Storytelling
- Videos as a part of activities with migrant learners
- Docente: Ola Hall
- Docente: Johanna Jankowski
- Docente: Patric Kalnins
- Casebook
- Storytelling
- Videos as a part of activities with migrant learners
- Storytelling
- Videos as a part of activities with migrant learners
- Docente: Johanna Jankowski
- Docente: Cassandra Rofi
- Casebook
- Storytelling
- Videos as a part of activities with migrant learners
- Docente: Johanna Jankowski
Sujets :
- Dossier
- Narration
- Vidéos dans le cadre d'activités avec des apprenants migrants
- Docente: Nathalie Boudol
- Docente: Johanna Jankowski
- Casebook
- Storytelling
- Videos as a part of activities with migrant learners
- Storytelling
- Videos as a part of activities with migrant learners
- Docente: Nathalie Boudol
- Docente: Artemis Driva
- Docente: Ola Hall
- Docente: Johanna Jankowski
- Docente: Patric Kalnins
- Docente: Cassandra Rofi