Welcome to Cafe Europe online platform!
Here you can find materials on the topic of entrepreneurial skills & personal leadership for youth migrants and refugees. The topics are explored through the set up and operation of a "Cafe Europe".
Cafe Europe is an actual cafe place, that aims to build a strong, fertile social and business growing ground for migrant and other disadvantaged youths. The Cafe provides social inclusiveness, helps refuges and migrants build a stable network for themselves and develops their entrepreneurial skills. It is a low-key meeting place for social and commercial activity. The youths participating & working in a Cafe Europe develop their social skills, learn the culture and language of the host country, expand their network and gain working experience. The cafe also provides a space to sell, for instance, second hand clothing, crafts, paintings etc., and therefore allows the youth to build their own portfolio and CV in order to reach up to employment in other areas. The Cafe focuses on what the youth CAN do instead of what they lack or can't (yet) do.
The platform consists of 2 sections:
- a section addressed to youth workers/volunteers and for everyone who is interested in setting up a Cafe Europe. Contents:
- How to set up a Cafe Europe: information for anyone who would like to create a Cafe Europe.
- How to support newcomers working in a Cafe Europe: information for youth workers and volunteers that wish to coordinate the cafe and coach/mentor the newcomers/youth.
- Networking space (forum) – a place where youth workers/volunteers can connect to each other and work together.
- a section addressed to migrant and native youngsters that are willing to join the Cafe Europe. Contents:
- How to get most out of my Cafe Europe experience: online training course for newcomers and native youth.
- Networking space (forum) – a place where youth migrants/refugees can connect to each other and learn together.
About the project
Cafe Europe is a project, that aims to build a strong, fertile social and business growing ground for youth which will provide social inclusiveness, help refuges and migrants build a stable network for themselves and enter the market. And this through the set up and operation of Cafe Europe.
The project is targeted at:
- migrant and native youngsters that are willing to join the Cafe Europe,
- youth workers/volunteers involved in integration of youth migrants,
- everyone who is interested in setting up a Cafe Europe.
The results of Cafe Europe are:
- How to set up a Cafe Europe: handbook for anyone who would like to create a Cafe Europe
- How to support newcomers working in a Cafe Europe: handbook for youth workers and volunteers that coordinate the cafe and coach/mentor the newcomers/youth
- How to get most out of my Cafe Europe experience: training course for newcomers and native youth
- Online platform: for presenting the online training content course for newcomers and native youth, but also the handbook for the youth workers and volunteers and the handbook on how to set up a Cafe Europe
For more information about the project please visit cafe-europe.net
Project partners