Welcome to our e-course for youth educators on how to use the VIC Casebook!
- General information and announcements
The self-assessment questionnaire consists of 40 questions and is structured in the 10 thematic sections of the VIC videos. It will help you identify your degree of integration in the host country, starting at 1 (not at all) and reaching up to 5 (very much). We suggest that you complete the self-assessment questionnaire twice: once before starting the e-learning course and once after completing it. In this way you will be able to compare the answers you gave at the beginning of the course with those you gave after the end of them and see how much you have improved and in which areas. You can download the self-assessment questionnaire in pdf format or fill it in quiz format below.
This module gives a short overview of definitions
related to the integration, it reflects on various factors influencing
integration processes. It outlines the model of acculturation and what
strategies are applied when exposing to the other cultures and societies. In
this module you will be acquainted with some terms like: integration, social
cohesion, assimilation, inclusion; you will learn how to weight the personal
needs and understand new vocabulary and concepts and use them accurately
This module gives an overview of various active learning methods, which can be applied in teaching processes among various learners. The module outlines one of the methods – casebook and how the casebook method can be developed and introduced in the classroom activities to support the migrants’ integration. The last part of the module includes examples of lessons based on casebook methodology with selected topics around integration processes.
After this module, you will be able to list the most common active learning methods and how to select them according to the needs of learners and art of activity. You will know how to prepare and introduce a specific topic or issue with use of the casebook methodology.
This module focuses on two aspects of storytelling
methodology integrated in education activities: use of existing / ready digital
storytelling to explore, learn new subjects, issues and creation of new digital
storytelling as a part of the classroom activities. In this module you will learn on
positive aspects of using storytelling method and how to implement it in the
classroom. After this module, you will know what are the main steps and tasks
when creating digital storytelling.
Please check the resources of each language. For example for the German resources check VIC_DE, for the Greek resources check VIC_EL, for the Italian resources check VIC_IT, for the Swedish check VIC_SE and for the French check VIC_FR.