
Glossary of basic terms!

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Action Plan

Describes what the public, private, and non-profit sectors are currently doing to preserve heritage resources, and how their roles and responsibilities might be redefined to achieve better results in the future.


a difficult or unlucky situation or event


Books & Documents, Objects, Pictures


Breakeven Point

The Break Even Point is the point at which the revenue and costs of a production (or product) are the same and therefore neither a loss nor a profit is made.


A briefing can mean different things in different contexts, here it refers to instructions you give to a service provider, eg. a designer.

Built Environment

Buildings, Townscapes, Archaeological remains


Community Mapping

Participative method to visualize and analyze the characteristics of a community. Actors, resources and needs of a community can be used for various purposes. The community mapping can be initiated from outside, but can only be carried out by members of the community themselves.


Competencies refer to skills or knowledge that lead to superior performance. Measurable skills, abilities and personality traits that identify successful employees against defined roles within an organisation. A competency is more than just knowledge and skills


a serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one

Corporate blog

A blog operated by an enterprise, usually designed either for content marketing purposes or SEO purposes.

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