Lesson Plan 1: Society – Integration successful versus unsuccessful – main factors, hidden hopes and expectations

Society - Integration successful versus unsuccessful – main factors, hidden hopes and expectations

This lesson will focus generally on integration and related aspects like factors influencing integration, what integration means for migrant learners, their needs, expectations, hopes versus expectations on hosting society.


Lesson duration: 5 EU plus time for selected videos

 Learning objectives:

- Raising awareness on terms and its meaning: integration, social cohesion, assimilation, inclusion

- Recognition that all human beings have basic needs

- Learning how to weight the personal needs

- Learning and understand new vocabulary and concepts and use them accurately

Summary of the tasks / actions

Task 1: Presentation of the videos with selected sequences related to the topic: integration, inclusions, hopes, expectations, it is suggested to select e.g. two videos or its sequences presenting different, opposite pictures of integration – successful – unsuccessful

Alex: 22:43-23:08, 25:29-27:04 and 31:37-33:40

Azzat: 29:03-35:14

Shoreh: 16:48-19:37, 21:48-22:37, 26:05-27:22

Task 2: Asking questions to learners; here are some examples of questions, however, the teacher can also create other questions:

What is the background of the situation?

In which country/countries the situation is set?

Who are the people involved in this scenario? (their country of origin)

What are the framework policies relating to the issue of integration in the hosting country?

What the involved people have done up to now, in your opinion how they are integrated with society? Please list some examples

Are there any constraints so far in the context of integration (their needs, hopes, expectations)?

Based on posted questions, learners can write and present their overview of the analysed situations: main reasons for migration, hopes, expectations, perception of society.  

 Task 3: Taking into account the analysed situation in the case learners are asked how they perceive the integration of persons presented in video cases? Do they accept the new culture and maintain the old one? Or do they reject the new one or even both cultures?

After the discussion, the teacher provides a short explanation to the terms of integration, assimilation, segregation or marginalization, followed by a discussion on consequences and factors for those processes. The Teacher can give the learners the possibility to reflect upon their own life situation and think about their own expectations, needs and hopes in the new country (as individual work and then group discussion).

 Task 4:

The teacher refers to the task 2 and the learners’ analysis on expectations, needs and hopes.

The teacher presents Maslow’s Hierarchy of human needs including the geometrical form of the pyramid.

1 Group exercise (brainstorming):

Questions to the learners:

• Why are the needs arranged in the form of a pyramid?

• Where are the most important needs located?

• Which levels are most important?

• Which are less important?

• What are the differences between the levels?

• Which stages can/should/needs the state ensure for people?

• At what levels can the state help?

• And for which level(s) does a person take personal responsibility?

2 Group exercise:

The teacher asks the learners to sit together in groups of two/three people and distributes the envelopes with different needs.

The teacher asks the learners to read them and assign them to the respective levels.

(A copy of the little pyramid serves as supporting material.)

Then, the learners attach the needs to the board to the appropriate levels and justify their decision (several solutions are possible, especially at the two highest levels)

The trainer asks the participants to look at the needs pyramid.

3 Group work (discussion):

As a final activity the learners (with the teacher’s support) will refer the discussed topics (migration reasons, hopes for future, own needs) to the own situation.

The following questions can be asked:

• How would you rank your migration reasons/hopes/expectations?

• On which level are you right now, from your point of view? 

• What are you missing to reach the next level?

• How can the state help you?

• What can you do yourself to reach this level?


Materials / Equipment:

Videos with cases, beamer, computer

Working sheets with questions

Paper notes, markers

Lesson Plan 1 as a PDF file here

Other lesson plans:

Last modified: Monday, 17 February 2020, 3:11 PM