Lesson Plan 2: Languages - Learning the host country language: aspects of motivation, how can we increase it

Languages - Learning the host country language: aspects of motivation, how can we increase it

This lesson will focus on language acquisition, its process, motivating factors and other factors influencing learning a foreign language.

Lesson duration: 5 EU plus time for selected videos

Learning objectives:

- Raising awareness on the process of learning, own motivation and possible ways of language acquisition and its improvement.

- Understanding the importance of language learning

- Learning how motivation and other factors have an influence on learning


Summary of the tasks/actions

Task 1: (20 minutes)

The learners watch selected sequences of the videos related to language acquisition  taking into account the following questions prepared by the teacher:

Alex: 12:25-16:26 and 37:16-38:01

Azzat: 23:53-27:46, 55:46-59:27

Pair work:

  • How do the speakers assess their foreign language?
  • What ways do they chose to learn a foreign language? Self – learning, attending lessons (classroom), study groups?
  • Do they speak about any difficulties when acquiring the foreign language?
  • How do they motivate themselves so far to speak a foreign language?
  • What other advices would you give the speaker to learn the language faster?  
  • Is there another way to support speakers to learn the language?


Task 2: (10 minutes)

I and my motivation to learn a foreign language

Individual work: think about your motivation to learn a language, what motivates you? What are your goals?

What can help you to learn a foreign language?

What does it mean: successful language learning? 

Task 3:

Think-pair-share activity

Share the results of your work in task 2 with other learners. Discuss together the list of factors influencing your motivation; what can help you to learn a foreign language?

The results of the think pair share activities will be posted on the board in order to compare them. 

Task 4:

Open discussion

Setting up a list of motivating factors and rules that can help when learning a foreign language, e.g. 10 golden rules when learning foreign language.

The teacher shall support the learners with some examples: “Immediately start learning the language (it would be best to communicate with native speakers)“, „Don’t be too shy to speak the language – it is normal to make mistakes and you can learn from mistakes.”

Task 5:

The learners can also set up a list of some online pages, apps supporting language learning


Materials / Equipment:

Videos sequences ….PC with Internet access and beamer

Board, small cards, markers etc.



Additional material for teacher: Forschungszentrum Migration, Integration und Asyl; Schnell und erfolgreich Deutsch lernen – wie geht das? Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge 2017,

Ankommen in Deutschland Geflüchtete in der Kommune integrieren Ein HANDBUCH © 2018 Bertelsmann Stiftung

How to implement best practice in language learning Project YELL Young European Love Languages, chapter 4 Motivating learners (page 47).

Lesson Plan 2 as a PDF file here

10 topics:

Last modified: Monday, 17 February 2020, 3:12 PM