Lesson Plan 5: Working life (your path to a job, your dream job)

This lesson will focus on the transfer of general knowledge on the issue of the job market, recognition of the vocational qualification on the labour market, on the processes of job orientation, counselling and supporting organisations.

Lesson duration: 5 EU lessons plus time for selected videos or its sequences

 Learning objectives:

  • Improving knowledge of the local job market
  • Gaining knowledge about the job orientation process
  • Raising awareness on own current competences and skills in the context of the preferred job.


Summary of the tasks / actions

What would you suggest to a person from the video as a next step in order to support him/her in his/her professional orientation process?

Task 1:

Discussion activity: Teacher can post some introductory questions to the topic of recognition of qualification and work: Are you acquainted with the procedure of the qualification recognition? Can you pursue your profession in a hosting country, or do you need to undergo a procedure of qualification recognition? Do you think you can start your dream job in a hosting country? 

Task 2:

Selection of sequences of videos where the topic of work and employment are presented, the best option would be to select two different videos showing various scenarios in relation to the topic of employment, current job and preferred job, recognition of qualification. 

The learners watch the selected sequences, then they retell the story in a one minute paper.

Alex: 7:40-9:01 and 22:43-26:43

Azzat: 21:24-23:47 and 33:40-38:42

Task 3:

Teachers asks the questions:

What is the current working situation of the person e.g. Azzat, Alex?

What are the framework policies relating to the issue of employment and qualification?

How has the involved person (Alex) acted to date? Does he have his dream job? If yes, what is it and how did he/she get it? What kind of support did he/she receive? What about other persons (Azzat)?

Are there any constraints of time or of place so far?

Which options does the involved person (Azzat) see?

Which main steps are needed and required? What would you suggest to Azzat? 

Task 4:

After discussion on the cases, learners talk about their dream job and how they could reach it, they can try to create a path to this job (what do I need to do? What competences are required? Do I have those competences? Can I apply for my dream job now? Are my qualifications enough? Who and what institutions can help me or support me on my way to the dream job? This part of task can be also done as a writing assignment. 

Task 5

After task 4, the teacher presents an overview of the labour market and the access to it, he/ she can present various sources of information on the recognition of qualification, guidance counselling, how to apply for a job, where to find information, relevant source of information, institutions supporting with information and guidance. 

Task 6: as individual assignment

The learners review their answers from the task 4 and amend the answers with information gained in task 5.

Materials / Equipment:

Templates with supporting questions







Lesson Plan 5 as a PDF file here

10 topics:

Last modified: Monday, 17 February 2020, 3:16 PM