Lesson Plan 6: Use of social support services

This lesson will focus on topic of using social support services and their importance for the faster integration.

 Lesson duration: 5 EU

 Learning objectives:

  • Being aware of potential differences and similarities between the country of origin and the country of destination as regards the function and influence of administrations,
  • Being able to consider the differences in the freedom of action and margin of discretion
  • Recognition of communication practices at offices and authorities in Germany and ability to adapt own actions accordingly,
  • Being aware of potential differences and similarities between country of origin and destination in terms of dealing with time at offices and authorities and ability to adapt own actions accordingly.


Summary of the tasks / actions

Task 1: Teacher can post questions for brainstorming:

What kind of social support services do you know?

Have you ever used any of the services?

Where did you get the information?

How did you hear about it?


Task 2:

Participants look for appropriate organizations on the Internet; afterwards the teacher chooses 3 most relevant of them in order to describe and make a short presentation of them. Teacher summarize all information and gives a short explanation about available services.

(By what kind of institutions can you find a support? How can I contact the organization? Does the organization exist in my town? What kind of support can be given / what social services are offered? etc.)

Task 3: Learners watch selected sequences where the speakers talk about various social support services, then they list the services and they discuss the role of those services, their functions, tasks, procedures.

Azzat: 45:50 --> 46:48

Where did he get the information?

What kind of institutions/ organizations does the speaker mentioned?

Task 4: Setting up a mind map of social supporting services. Summarizing and systemizing of the collected information and data.


Problem / issue " Solution (organization), e.g. unemployment " job center

Where can help, who and how can help me, what I should know about procedures, documents, time etc.


Task 5: Giving recommendations to a person who plans to come to Germany, imaging the situation:

 Your friend wants to come to your country as a migrant. He/she asks you for help.

 What would you recommend for him/her?

What should he/she know about the supporting system in Germany before coming here?

How could you support him/her using your own experience?

Which kind of support did work well? Which one not?


Materials / Equipment:

Videos sequences, PC with Internet access and beamer

Board, white board





Lesson Plan 6 as PDF file here.  

10 topics:

Last modified: Monday, 17 February 2020, 3:17 PM