Leçon 10: Contacts dans le pays d'accueil
Ce cours a pour objectif de traiter des différents niveaux de contacts sociaux dans le pays d'accueil, en particulier la communication dans divers contextes, par ex. exprimer ses propres sentiments, opinions, gérer les conflits et les opinions différentes, les bonnes attitudes à adopter. L'accent sera mis sur la diversité et l'interculturalité ainsi que sur les aspects spécifiques au pays d'accueil..
Lesson duration: 5 EU plus time for the selected videos
Learning objectives:
- Sensitizing to potential differences and similarities between country of origin and host country in the context of social contacts in various settings: free time activities, contacts at work, public organisations and authorities, etc.
- Being aware of importance of social contacts (establishing and maintaining) in the context of integration into new hosting society.
Summary of the tasks / actions
Task 1:
Learners watch the selected sequences of videos, when the persons speak about language importance and setting up new friendships in the hosting country.
Alex: 38:02 --> 41:19
Azzat: 31:26 --> 32:33
Shohreh: 27:27 --> 31:22
After that, the teacher can ask the following questions to the learners:
- In what context the persons talk about friends and new contacts; did they encounter any difficulties when setting up some friendships?
- What persons say about social contacts, do they have many friends, colleagues?
- Do the persons speak about “friends” or “acquaintances”? What is a difference between “friends” and “acquaintances”?
Were you able to set up new friendships when you arrived to Germany? It was fast or it took you some time? Are your new friends Germans or they are also new comers?
How social contacts can help you in adjusting to the new country?
Do the persons in videos mention where they found new friends? Think about various places in your new surrounding: Where can you find new friends or establish new social contacts?
The learners can create a mind map of various places and possibilities taking into account own interests, hobbies as well as working place or education place. The teacher can support learners with some topics like engagement in sport, cultural and social activities and events, volunteering activities, etc. Further, the teacher can support learners with ideas what social, sport, cultural organisations or clubs are around.
Task 2: Reflecting on your own culture and discovering other cultures in the context of social contacts.
Learners are asked to recall various situations they experienced in a new hosting country like informal meetings, events or even parties and to think if they experiences any similarities or differences in the context of behaviors, attitudes, ways of conversations. What was different and what was similar?
Supporting task 3:
Teacher can also use a text from DW about “Making friends in Germany”
Materials / Equipment:
Videos with cases, beamer, computer
Paper sheets, markers
Lesson Plan 10 as a PDF file here.
10 topics:
- Society – Integration successful versus unsuccessful – main factors, hidden hopes and expectations
- Languages - Learning the host country language: aspects of motivation, how can we increase it
- Study opportunity – Attending the educational measures
- Voluntary work – Volunteering and engagement in society
- Working life (your path to a job, your dream job)
- Use of social support services
- Accommodation
- Mentality of the host people; your identity: do you feel more “German”, “European”, or…
- Family