2. Successful versus unsuccessful integration – what are the main factors for success?

Hopes and expectations

Many refugees and migrants seek to move to another country having misleading ideas about European realities of life. This is especially true if they have left home not because of a sudden, life-threatening outbreak of violence or prolonged persecution, but due to the lack of material resources. These refugees and migrants are often fooled by the gangs of criminal smugglers into Europe being paradise on earth, where everyone would get a job, an apartment, social security, etc.; furthermore, European women would be sexually open to strangers and so on. As soon as the refugees are here, a strong disillusionment quickly begins and the illusions evaporate when they realize that they are not getting in in the host country what they were promised by the smugglers. Getting a grip on the frustrations that usually occur at the beginning is one of the hardest things to do in the hosting country for both refugees and their supervisors.

Go to Exercise 3 

Last modified: Monday, 17 February 2020, 3:23 PM