Cmap tools - How to use it?

TCC VET How to use it?

Why using this tool – benefits

This tool is a free software that allows teachers to create cognitive maps or conceptual charts that are adapted to the needs of their creators through concepts and interconnection lines. It is therefore an interesting tool for teachers to produce summary tables on the subjects dealt with, or to establish relationships between concepts, which eases their students learning and increasing their efficiency and productivity when studying. It is an interactive and visually attractive tool that can be used as complementary material for pupils. In addition, CAMPTOOLS can also be used as a database in which to store materials that teachers consider relevant for their training, and allows them to upload their concept maps to the network. Documents can be also saved as PDFs or images.

CAMPTOOLS allows users to share maps so they can be collaborative, identifying each one changes. It’s also possible to link digital resources in them. It’s necessary to download, install and execute its software on a computer, then create an account and teachers will be able to design their own schemes eventually. 

The tool is being used in an educational environment, as well as for investigation and business training. This platform is available in several languages.

Written instructions

1.    Go to and click on DOWNLOAD to install the software on your computer. By click on products you’ll have a look at different options and further information on display about each one of them. 



2.    Right after select the download option for your device, you’ll need to fill the following information:



Complete the installation process and execute CMAPTOOLS program. Your process may vary due to the different OS. You can choose between typical configuration and advanced configuration.





4.    It may ask for any further information about you, such as your mail account and to create a password.


5.    When your CAMPTOOLS account has been created, you will be able to START CREATING MAPS!



6.    Create new maps, save them, upload maps on the internet or search for them in your files. They can be saved as PDFs or images, so you can use them to complete learning materials for your students.


7.    Do not hesitate to try it different utilities and options. Design different maps until you find out the style which suits your need better!

Last modified: Friday, 11 December 2020, 9:52 AM