Flickr - How to use it?

TCC VET How to use it?
Why using this tool – benefits

Flickr is probably the most well known photo sharing tool available in the web. Millions of photos are uploaded to the site on a daily basis from all around the world and of every subject you could possibly think to photograph. This incredible database of images has amazing potential for education, because it’s carefully structured with specific folders, enabling teachers and students to easily find what they search for teaching and learning purposes.

The standard Flickr’s edition is available for free. A professional version, with a monthly or annual fee to be paid, can be subscribed, but for educational purposes the basic option is more than enough.

Teachers and trainers normally refer to Flickr in order to enrich their presentations in classroom, indipendentry from the subject they are busy to transfer to their students: a good presentation, including appropriate images, can encourage students to participate more actively to the lessons and to achieve new visual literacy skills they will be able to use for their own presentations. But of course there are typical applications of Flickr that make it strategic: it may happen primarily with geography lessons, when Flickr’s usage allows a geotagging process that can stimulate the geographical location of the source of the photo, permitting a visual, geographical study of a particular location or place.

Flickr is an online sharing community anyone can take part to. This means that once subscribed to the website you will be able to download and use all the available imagery contents, but also to upload your pictures and videos. Of course, there are some simple rules to be respected, clearly listed in the guidelines explaining the behavioural policies, what is possible to do and what is not, also concerning the copyright laws (

Written instructions

1. To approach your Flickr experience, please go to your search engine, insert the word ‘flickr’ and then enter the website


2. Flickr is a web-based application and you don’t need to download anything. So, click on the button Start for free and then, in the following screen, Sign up filling in all the required information (name, surname, email et cetera).



3. When you sign-up for Flickr, you will be directly logged in and your screen will display the main page, with the menu to Explore the existing database. You can also scroll down the page and visualize different galleries of pictures.


4. Browsing the database of images already available in Flickr, you will probably find what you need. Once selected the picture, you can easily check all the info concerning that image and then decide to share or to download it.


5. Do you want to upload your images to Flickr, to let them be easily available for further use or just because you like to share them with your students or other people? It’s very easy! On the home page, click on the upload icon and follow the following instructions.


6. If you are registered as free user of Flickr, you can upload a maximum of 1,000 images. And, of course, you can always delete old pictures and upload new ones.


Last modified: Friday, 11 December 2020, 10:04 AM