Mentimenter - How to use it?

TCC VET How to use it?
Why usins this tool – benefits
Mentimeter is a very efficient tool and can actually help simplify your life as a teacher. It brings together features from a couple of different tools and has many of the functions of a polling or quiz app. These features are simply embedded into a presentation form, so you can engage without leaving your presentation materials (you can also embed them into PowerPoint).

Mentimeter can help ensure you’re receiving answers from all of your students, also the quite ones. They don’t need to speak publicly to share their ideas and opinions using the interactive features built into the application. It is a great way to engage students and help them stay focused to the topic. Instead of listening, students are asked to contribute and share opinions. They can answer your questions, submit their own, or even create their own Mentimeter presentations as part of the course. Especially the function of anonymity, allows all students to participate as they won’t be exposed when the answer isn’t correct. There are several ways to use Mentimeter in class; Start your class with a poll, do quick quiz to test your students, get feedback on your teaching, etc. 

Written instructions

Getting ready to use Mentimeter with your students, for example, to start your class with! You only need to log in at the website and there you are! Ready to create your first Mentimeter presentation.

1. Start signing on the web through your computer. Open your browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari... or what else you prefer) and search for "Mentimeter".


2. The homepage of Mentimeter will appear on your screen. Now you need to sign-up:


3. To create your Mentimeter account you can use your Google or Facebook identity (if you have one) or proceed with the registration filling in all fields with the required info:


4. Well done, now you are in! You have different options to choose from; go to “Inspiration” on the left side of the menu to discover some valuable ideas and examples of which questions and subjects to use. To create a new presentation, go to the blue button “New presentation” and you will be at the start of a brand new presentation to use in your class!


5. Once the presentation is finished, you can share it with your students. Students need to browse to and use the code which appears in your screen at the top of your presentation. For example:


6. Finally, a tip for the teachers: try to be as clear as possible about the questions you are asking. You don’t want to cause haziness during your presentation. Explain your students up front what to do and what is your goal. For sure it will get the attention of your students!

Last modified: Friday, 11 December 2020, 10:29 AM