Makeagif - How to use it?

Why using this tool – benefits
This is a really modern digital tool since GIFs are the No1 trend on chatting platforms. GIFs are like a coded and short answer to any question that mostly young people use, so this is your best chance to catch up with them and integrate this technique to your didactic modules. With the platform’s support, you can transform any digital form to a GIF: Pictures, YouTube videos, Facebook posts, any videos, you can use your webcam and create a GIF instantly or even use the platform as a host space for saving your GIFs. There are also TOP CATEGORIES in order for you to check and decide what is best for your class. GIF is not something that can upgrade your content, but it can interact with others and engage them fast, easy and fun. It is dynamic and so creative!
Written instructions
- 1. First, search on the web for make a gif
2. Click on the link and this is the landing page:
3. Obviously, this is too much information; still, you can take it one step at a time and first create an account. You fill in your email and password as well as a username for a tailor-made account. Then click on the captcha – you are not a robot - and SIGN ME UP!
4. Of course, you can go with premium version if you like. Here is your option:
It is still a little bit hard to create a GIF from scratch, so the platform has a tutorial for you:
It is like an example, where someone from the platform is giving short description on how to make a GIF. He has collected photos of himself with VIPs and instead of a static photo album, he has developed a GIF. There are 4 basic steps to follow:
- select your photos by drag -drop or just uploading them,
- select the order of their appearance,
- choose the animation speed
- either share it with people or download it.
5. Let’s try to create a GIF now. We will try the YOUTUBE TO GIF
Important notice: most of GIFs do not have sound but you can enable audio, if you want!
The example will be with a video with landscapes. Let’s capture a few seconds from the video and create a new GIF.
First you choose a video. i.e
6. You enter the YouTube video’s url here:
Then you click on PLAY and you see the whole video uploading. It takes some seconds of processing.
As described before, you have isolated the part already, so you go and find it on the GIF timer. You can either insert the starting second on the timer or use the bar to track it. (both on Start time). Then you decide on the GIF length, it is advisable to be not more than 7 seconds. And then, GIF speed, that means how fast your GIF will be, i.e slow motion could be a suggestion for the one you create now, because it is a timelapse, but fast GIFs are also interesting and fun, especially when cartoon characters are involved.
Next step to be CAPTION part, on the left, where you can insert a word or two. Stickers can emphasize more on your GIF.
Enable audio if you want, it surely gives another perspective.
7. This is the unique link of your GIF
And that is what you have created:
Let’s explain symbols, starting from left bottom of your screen:
You can add this GIF to an album or download it.
You can get the link of this GIF or report it for being inappropriate for a certain target group.
Now, let’s check the features on the right top of the print screen.
The title you gave is here “Life is amazing”, with the creator’s name, the category set and of course a reference to the Original video. Your hashtags are here, too.
Finally, on the colourful squares, you can see all the social media channels that can be used for the dissemination of your GIF.