Powtoon - How to use it?

Why using this tool – benefits
The website of Powtoon tells a nice story, well describing the reason why of this tool: In 2012, four friends met in a cafe to solve a problem: How can you communicate a message without putting your audience to sleep, or driving them to check Facebook under the table during your presentation? The answer seemed simple - how about one of those great animated videos! But working with an animation studio can take weeks and cost thousands. Our four friends decided, right then and there, to create a tool that everyone can use when they need their message to make an impact and when they can’t afford to be ignored.
What is Powtoon anyway? It’s a web-based application that allows you to make presentations and videos with the help of nice animations without having to download and install anything. Its strength is to be a very intuitive and easy-to-use animation software, enabling to create nice and attractive videos without needing to be an expert. Besides, paramount add-on of Powtoon is a portfolio including specific educational solutions, enriched with ready-made templates for the classroom.
The basic version of Powtoon is for free, good enough but imposing some restrictions to the users: the logo and the claim “created by Powtoon" is always fixed, at the bottom right of the screen and at the end of the video, the max length of the videos you can create is up to 3 minutes, and the max storage allowed is up to 100 MB. So, nothing of relevance, but feel free to consider professional versions too, that have nice prices for teachers and students.
Written instructions
Powtoon website is quite easy to manage, but it offers several pathways to reach the contents and solutions of interest. Therefore, the suggestion is to practice a bit before starting creating your educational videos and presentations.
Let’s see how to proceed:
1. Through your favourite search engine go to the website www.powtoon.com. You may enter directly through the Education solutions.
2. Clicking on Powtoon Education you land in a welcome page that let you have a first visit to the educational contents. Then go back to the top of the page and click on Try it free or Sign up free.
3. Whatever button you chose to click, you need now to create your account. You can use your Google, Facebook, Microsoft or LinkedIn identity (if you have one) or proceed with the registration filling in all fields with the required info:
4. Although you decided to try Powtoon for free, the website automatically gives you the chance to start with 4 days Premium, including all the functionalities reserved to paid subscribers. When the trial period expires, you will be subject to the limits described above. But no panic: you will be able to go on with almost all you could need!
This is your dashboard. Once subscribed, each time you log in you will land directly here, with the possibility to check your previous Powtoons and to create new activities using available templates, importing your files or starting from blank.
5. Of course, if you can’t any longer go without the Premium add-ons, you may consider paying options. Click on See EDU plans:
Current educational offers for Premium accounts are the following: