Padlet - How to use it?

TCC VET How to use it?
Why using this tool – benefits

This is an internet tool that allows teachers and students to collect online information and upload them on Padlet’s digital board with just Drag & Drop. Videos, texts, hyperlinks, images etc can be added to Padlet’s digital board and can be organised like on a traditional class board, that used to be full of announcements and notes. Students can upload files, they have created, with activities or assignments and this can be shared with many other students; This feature is so useful, since it promotes team spirit and working together on projects even on the same time. Social media can also be integrated with these boards, blogs and if you feel confident enough on your IT skills, you can even transform this into a QR code. Padlet also protects privacy settings, so that sharing can be manageable by creators and other users.

Written instructions

1. You can start by searching for Padlet on the internet Welcome to this amazing collaboration platform!



2. In order to be sure you are not a robot, the platform gives you a simple test. Play the captcha game, click on Verify and then you will be logged in. Welcome on the creative environment of Padlet!


3. If you feel like starting from the very unknown, here is something you can do first: Read about all features that Padlet is offering you and decide what fits best to your needs. You can also read about paid/premium version:


The Premium version for school is quite expensive (a teacher plan starts at 12 $ per month), and considering that the free version offers almost all what you may need, our suggestion is to go definitely for the basic account.

4. Go back to your creative environment and click on Create a Padlet. Here are the options you can consider to realize your project:


Each category addresses to different teaching and collaborating needs. You can experiment a bit and find out which board is the most appropriate to your case. Wall and Canvas are the most common boards (Canvas is mostly about creating causal links between ideas, projects etc) Flow is for presenting content in a vertical way. Grid supports row format, which works pretty well with some students and it is more or less the same with Shelf. Backchannel is like a chat room, where you can brainstorm and exchange ideas. Map fits perfect for international collaboration or geography course, while Timeline is best for road mapping and keeping schedule for your tasks.


5. You can keep suggested texts on Title and Description (those are pretty motivational, actually) or you can rephrase. Since you are the Administrator, you can also select privacy standards. Then click SUBMISSION, and the first set-up is done!

6. Customising your Padlet will take you some time, but it’s worth it. If you click on the cogwheel (a very common symbol for settings) you have the chance to improve your Padlet’s layout! Remember to click SAVE when finalising your choices!


7. Next step: in the main screen, top left, you will find 3 dots … If you click on those, here is what you get:


8. And now, it’s time to start using Padlet! Add a post by clicking on the +


9. On your screen a sort of virtual card will appear: under the Title you can start writing something, like a message, a key word etc, and then upload it.


10.    On your screen a sort of virtual card will appear: under the Title you can start writing something, like a message, a key word etc, and then upload it.


11. Taking advantage of all features, you might end up with this result:

the main topic is VACATIONS and you already have a question highlighted. The answers given are either a YouTube video (Casablanca) where you can click on and watch it, an online picture (Corsica), an online article (Peloponnese) or an uploaded photo from your pc/smartphone (Lisbon). The interaction is based on students’ comments, on the right bottom of every post.


12.    You can invite even more people by sharing the unique link your Padlet has with them. Check the menus presented at the beginning of this platform presentation.

Every Padlet type can give you the opportunity to create many different things. Explore as much as you can, and find out what best suits you.

Last modified: Friday, 11 December 2020, 11:23 AM