Kahoot! - How to use it?

TCC VET How to use it?

Why using this tool – benefits

Kahoot! is an online game-based learning platform that transforms the learning procedure into a fun and enjoyable experience. It can support teachers in creating their own quiz (that are named Kahoot!) fast and easily and get the answers the next minute. Kahoot! can be used in the classroom for revision purposes or for the reflection of students on a course Additionally, at the beginning of a training for ice -breaking, boosting the team spirit or in order to catch up with what has been taught so far. It can also be used for fun as a trivial game between students since it is really easy to be created.

Its basic version is for free, which means you can create an account and immediately have access to many templates and create your own portfolio. The basic disadvantage of this version is that you can engage only 10 people per quiz unless you want to address to teams instead of individual players. The rest of the versions available are a paid service, especially if you want to create a presentation.

The platform’s asset is fast engagement and flexibility, the fact that it can be used in laptops, tablets and smartphones and at the same time, it can be adopted to many languages and can be used for many different courses.

Written instructions

1. You can start by searching for Kahoot! on your browser: www.kahoot.com.


2. The next step will be to create an account! You sign up at the website according to your profile (Teacher, student, personal, professional) and there it is!


Then describe your workplace and continue


3. Regardless what you might select, now it’s the time for you to finally create an account. Sign-up with your Google or Microsoft account (if you have one) or through your email account.


4.    Ok, now you are logged-in. Next step is to navigate a bit on this new digital environment and discover its functionalities!


5. Click on CREATE and then the following options appear. Have in mind that the crown versions respond to premium accounts, so they are the paid ones. Ιt is up to you to decide.


If you feel you need a paid version of Kahoot, using crown templates, select one of them and then follow the instructions to check different offers, prices and so on. For usual educational purposes, our suggestion is to remain on the free version of Kahoot!

6. Let’s go now to create our first Kahoot!

Click to start typing your question: Kahoot! can include many questions, here you can type your first one. If you want to add more, go to the blue button - Add question and the same slide will appear again, in order for you to insert more questions in the row.

You can select how long students have to answer a question: check the “circle clock shape” next to the yellow arrow.

Add answer (1, 2, 3, 4): You have at least two options on answering the Kahoot! but you can use all four to make it more fun! Make sure you mark which one is correct.



7. Eventually you will end up with the following screen. As you may notice, the platform itself reminds you to select the correct answer, so that the Kahoot! can be valid. After you have chosen the correct one (in our case is the blue), you click the green button Done.


8. After clicking on Done, you land in the following screen, where you can set the title and the description of your Kahoot and Continue. If you want to skip this part, change or delete title and description, clicking on the Cancel button won’t be a trouble!


9. Now your Kahoot! is ready! You can decide to

        *test before presenting

        *play your Kahoot! with students

        *share it, so that others can be engaged!

If you need to adjust your Kahoot! (e.g. modify the time available for answering, rephrasing your questions etc) you can go Back to edit. Then, click Done and move ahead.


10. The main description of the procedure to create your Kahoot! is over. The dashboard below shows what you have already created, which can be used as template for other ones. When you push the green button Play, then it is time to present your quiz to your audience.


11. It is advisable to choose the Present mode, so that you play it on real time!

12. Just one last choice before you play: if you choose Classic, that means involving maximum 10 students for your basic/free account. If you have more students in your class, select Team mode and you still engage them all! The rest of the options are set by default, again because you are in the free version. Any change would cost!


13. Before starting playing, suggest your students to get their smartphones or tablets and join www.kahoot.it or download the app.


14. Each game you create has a PIN code that appears on your system and may be displayed on the digital dashboard if you are connected to with your device.

Each student will open his/her Kahoot! and digit PIN and nickname.



15. When everyone is on board, the teacher press START and the Kahoot! quiz developed earlier appears on the students’ devices. Please remind that users just see colours and shapes on their mobiles and they have to look on your board screen for question & answers. 


16.    Let’s wait for everyone to answer while time is running out, and finally the results will be displayed on your screen. In this example, there was one user only and he/she gave the blue answer, the correct one. Congratulations! Clicking Next, you start the next quiz.


17. Just in case someone should happen to face difficulties in answering or needs extra support, the final report will inform you showing the problems in the following and final table:


Last modified: Friday, 11 December 2020, 11:59 AM