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All the material developed by CHEER - Cultural heritage entrepreneurs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

This training course has been developed in the framework of the Erasmus+ project CHEER - Cultural heritage entrepreneurs.

The CHEER project aims at promoting social entrepreneurship in Europe through supporting and guiding unemployed people to start their own social business. The idea is to create a European wide training programme that will help long term unemployed people to boost their competences and feel confident to make their entry into social entrepreneurship.

The project addresses the target group of long-term unemployed people that face difficulties to insert the labor market and aims to motivate and empower them, in order to exploit the local cultural heritage of their region as the basis to create social enterprises and combat disadvantage, alienation, discrimination and poverty. 

The project also addresses open and innovative education.

The main outputs of CHEER are:

1.       A methodology for the identification of competencies of unemployed people.

2.       A training programme with practical activities and tools, aiming at training the participants into social entrepreneurship and at being able to formulate their business ideas.

3.       A guide addressed to adult trainers, so that they will be able to work with unemployed people and support them in exploiting cultural heritage for social entrepreneurship.

4.       An online learning platform with additional on-line learning resources, such as webinars, videos, Information sharing space and social networking space.

The training course is mainly based on theory but additionally, quizzes and other resources are provided.

The training course uses a blended learning methodology that consists of an e-learning part through the e-learning platform and face-to-face workshops and coaching sessions.

The e-learning phase has as objectives:

-          to bring together the participants and create the teams,

-          to introduce the themes to the participants and

-          to work on the main theoretical principles of the training course.

The total duration of the training will be 4 weeks.

At the end, the course will lead to a final assessment and certification based on the learners’ assessment, according to the European framework.

To access the online self-assessment questionnaires, the chat and the forum facilities you need to create a user account. This is possible by sending an e-mail to including your name, surname and e-mail address.

This blended learning course enables interested individuals to develop a business idea in the field of cultural heritage and lays the foundation for founding a social enterprise in this field. The course tackles topics such as: basic elements of social entrepreneurship, economic foundations for entrepreneurship, developing a business plan, soft skills for entrepreneurs, marketing and branding, building strong networks.

Този смесен курс за обучение дава възможност на заинтересованите лица да развият бизнес идея в областта на културното наследство и поставя основата за създаване на социално предприятие в тази област. Курсът се занимава с теми като: основни елементи на социалното предприемачество, икономически основи за предприемачество, разработване на бизнес план, меки умения за предприемачи, маркетинг и брандиране, изграждане на силни мрежи.

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Dieser Blended Learning-Kurs ermöglicht es interessierten Personen, eine Geschäftsidee im Bereich des kulturellen Erbes zu entwickeln und legt den Grundstein für die Gründung eines sozialen Unternehmens in diesem Bereich. Der Kurs behandelt Themen wie: Grundelemente des sozialen Unternehmertums, wirtschaftliche Grundlagen für das Unternehmertum, Entwicklung eines Businessplans, Soft Skills für Unternehmer, Marketing und Markenbildung, sowie den Aufbau starker Netzwerke.

Αυτό το μάθημα μικτής μάθησης επιτρέπει στα ενδιαφερόμενα άτομα να αναπτύξουν μια επιχειρηματική ιδέα στον τομέα της πολιτιστικής κληρονομιάς και θέτει τα θεμέλια για την ίδρυση μιας κοινωνικής επιχείρησης στον τομέα αυτό. Το μάθημα εξετάζει θέματα όπως: βασικά στοιχεία της κοινωνικής επιχειρηματικότητας, οικονομικά θεμέλια για την επιχειρηματικότητα, ανάπτυξη επιχειρηματικού σχεδίου, μαλακές δεξιότητες για τους επιχειρηματίες, μάρκετινγκ και branding, δημιουργία ισχυρών δικτύων.

Šis jauktas metodoloģijas mācību kurss dod iespēju ieinteresētajām personām attīstīt biznesa ideju kultūras mantojuma jomā un likt pamatus sociālā uzņēmuma dibināšanai. Kursā tiek apskatītas tādas tēmas kā sociālās uzņēmējdarbības pamatelementi, uzņēmējdarbības ekonomiskie pamati, biznesa plāna izstrāde, uzņēmēju iemaņas, mārketings un zīmolu veidošana, spēcīgu sadarbības tīklu veidošana.

Acest curs de învățare mixtă permite persoanelor interesate să își dezvolte o idee de afaceri în domeniul patrimoniului cultural și constituie fundamentul fondării unei întreprinderi sociale în acest domeniu. 

Cursul abordează subiecte precum: elemente de bază ale antreprenoriatului social, fundamentele economice pentru antreprenoriat, elaborarea unui plan de afaceri, abilități soft pentru antreprenori, marketing și branding, construirea de rețele solide.